High quality courses which equip students with the skills for the future, delivered by exceptional staff focused on student experience, have seen Flinders University rated South Australia’s top university by employers.
Flinders has received an overall satisfaction rating of 84.8 per cent in the 2017 Employer Satisfaction Survey (ESS), which is above the national average and top university in South Australia.
The ESS captures the views of more than 4,000 employers about the attributes of recent graduates and is the largest survey of its kind.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Stirling says Flinders University’s efforts to provide relevant, meaningful courses that go beyond what to think, to teach how to think, are the key to student success.
“We recognise that some young people starting their studies with us in 2018 will emerge from their learning journey to pursue jobs that don’t yet exist; such is the fast changing world of work,” Professor Stirling says.
“With Flinders receiving 90.7 per cent satisfaction for foundation skills (general literacy, numeracy and communication skills and the ability to investigate and integrate knowledge) and 87.7 per cent satisfaction for adaptive skills (the ability to adapt and apply skills/knowledge and work independently), it’s evident that our graduates have the qualities employers require.
“As the only university in Australia to offer every student in every course the opportunity to study Innovation and Enterprise, be it in addition to their core studies or as a major in itself, Flinders is fostering enterprising graduates ready to make a difference in the workplace,” Professor Stirling says.
In the latest ESS, Flinders also posted solid results in collaborative skills (84.9 percent) technical skills (93.4 per cent) and employability (83.3 per cent).
For more information about the 2017 ESS, see the Quality Indicators for Learning and Teaching (QILT) website.