Solar step forward for green hydrogen

Another advance has been made by experts in nano-scale chemistry to propel further development of sustainable and efficient generation of hydrogen from water using solar power. […]

New alloys for hip and knee implants

Stiffness, pain and infections in orthopaedic surgery is being tackled by Flinders University researchers driving innovation in alloy materials to produce safe and superior implants compatible […]

Visionary way to advance manufacturing

High-tech factory workers of the future will rely on training and support from Industry 4.0 technology, such as augmented reality head-mounted display modules (AR-HMD), to manage […]

Putting cyber powers on the table

Strong network cybersecurity has never been more important, with the potential for ‘deep-fake signals’ and other technologies to interfere with aviation and transport systems and cause […]

Space open to cyber attack

Cybersecurity in the space domain is an emerging area of focus for government and industry around the world. Recent events in conflict zones have further reenforced […]

Nano solution for removing toxic dyes

Water pollution from dyes used in textile, food, cosmetic and other manufacturing is a major ecological concern with industry and scientists seeking biocompatible and more sustainable […]

Advances for women and girls in STEM

International Day of Women and Girls in Science today is an opportunity to examine the disparities and tackle the barriers facing women in science, technology, engineering […]