Flinders appoints new Deputy Vice-Chancellor in Research

dvcrdavid-dayEminent plant scientist Professor David Day has been appointed Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) at Flinders University.

Professor Day is currently Dean of the Faculty of Science and was Executive Dean of the Faculties of Science, Agriculture and Veterinary Science at the University of Sydney.

Recognised for leading high-level research groups, he was a founder of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology, where he is still a Chief Investigator.

Flinders University Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Barber said Professor Day brings a wealth of experience, as a researcher, teacher and academic leader, to the role.

“Professor Day has an impressive record of achievement in the field of plant science, as the manager of high-performing university faculties and as a teacher and mentor,” Professor Barber said.

“He has a thorough understanding of the Australian research environment, and of the critical research needs of Australian society, industry and governments,” he said.

“We look forward with enthusiasm to Professor Day’s leadership of the ambitious research agenda at Flinders University, and I am delighted to announce his appointment.”

For Professor Day, a world-renowned specialist in plant biochemistry and molecular biology, the appointment marks a return to South Australia.

A graduate of Adelaide Teachers College and the University of Adelaide, Professor Day subsequently held postdoctoral fellowships at the University of Illinois and UCLA that launched his academic and research career. He was a research scientist at the French Centre D’Etudes Nucleaires in Grenoble and has held senior academic posts at the Australian National University and University of Western Australia.

Professor Day has more than 200 published works and is an Institute for Scientific Information highly cited researcher. He will take up his appointment at Flinders University towards the end of the year.

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