Ten early-career researchers have been acknowledged by the Flinders University Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Stirling.
The awards recognise the outstanding contributions of individual staff members to reward and encourage excellence in their research efforts.
This year’s award recipients were:
MEDICINE, NURSING & HEALTH SCIENCES: Dr Lucinda Bell, School of Health Sciences (research focus – early childhood nutrition); Dr Lucy Lewis, School of Health Sciences (physiotherapy); Dr Michael O’Callaghan, School of Medicine (epidemiology); Dr Nikki McCaffrey, School of Medicine (palliative care).
SCIENCE & ENGINEERING: Dr Cameron Shearer, School of Chemical and Physical Sciences (nanotechnology): Dr Harriet Whiley, School of the Environment (environmental health); Dr Renee Smith, School of Biological Sciences (microbiology).
EDUCATION, HUMANITIES & LAW: Dr Christèle Maizonniaux, School of Humanities and Creative Arts (French); Dr Sonja Vivienne, School of Humanities and Creative Arts (digital media).
BEHAVIOURAL & SOCIAL POLICY: Dr Joshua Newman, School of Social and Policy Studies (political science).
Up to ten awards can be made each year to PhDs to help fund opportunities for them to broaden networks and enhance their standing and recognition.
Some recent publications from this year’s awardees include:
Bell LK, Ullah S, Olds T, Magarey A, Leslie E, Jones M, Miller M, Cobiac L (2016). Prevalence and socio-economic distribution of eating, activity and sedentary behaviour among South Australian children: Baseline findings from the OPAL Evaluation, Public Health.
Lewis LK, Hunt T, English C, Williams M, Olds T (2016) Sedentary time in people with and without a chronic condition: how much, what and when? AIMS Public Health.
O’Callaghan M, Raymond E. An appraisal of analytical tools, used in predicting clinical and patient reported outcomes following treatment of men with prostate cancer: a systematic review. PROSPERO (systemic review protocol registration) 2015.
McCaffrey N, Bradley S, Ratcliffe J, Currow D (2016). What aspects of quality of life are important from palliative care patients’ perspectives? Journal of Pain & Symptom Management.
CJ Shearer, AD Slattery, AJ Stapleton, JG Shapter, CT Gibson (2016). Accurate thickness measurement of graphene, Nanotechnology (http://nanotechweb.org/cws/article/lab/64215).
Whiley H, Custance G, Graves S, Stenos J, Taylor M, Ross K and Gardner M (2016). Rickettsia Detected in the Reptile Tick Bothriocroton hydrosauri from the Lizard Tiliqua rugosa in South Australia. Pathogens.
Smith RJ, Paterson JS, Sibley CA, Hutson JL, Mitchell JG, (2015). Putative effect of aquifer recharge on the abundance and taxonomic composition of endemic microbial communities, PLoS One.
Maizonniaux C (2016). Australian university students’ reception of and reaction to French Picture books. Bookbird.
Vivienne S and co (in press, accepted August 2016). I will not hate myself because you cannot accept me’: problematizing empowerment and gender-diverse selfies. Special issue of Popular Communication: Self (re) presentation Now.
Newman J, Cherney A, Head BW. Policy Capacity and Evidence-Based Policy in the Public Service, in press (published online 29 February 2016). Public Management Review