Demand climbs for Flinders courses

stairsFlinders University is experiencing strong demand for its courses across both niche and generalist degrees in 2010, registering an overall increase in applications of around 15 per cent over last year.

Along with vigorous demand for the University’s suite of health-related courses such as medicine, health sciences, medical science, nursing, midwifery and paramedic degrees, there has been significant interest in the teacher training degrees and in the generalist arts and science degrees.

A total of 4313 offers (up from 4012 offers in 2009) has been made to this point.

The University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Andrew Parkin, said the new courses on offer at Flinders have also sparked strong response from applicants.

“We are pleased to welcome the first intake to several new undergraduate courses including the Bachelor of Medical Science (Vision Science)/Master of Optometry, and also the first cohort of school leavers entering our undergraduate medical course pathway,” Professor Parkin said.

The Bachelor of Languages niche degree has also seen significant student interest, as has the new combined Bachelor of Science (Marine Biology)/Bachelor of Technology (Aquaculture).

Professor Parkin said the strength of the competitive demand for places would translate into an intake of highly motivated, high-achieving students.

“With the increased levels of interest, TER school-leaver entry scores for a number of courses such as speech pathology, nutrition and dietetics, medical science, paramedics, biomedical and robotic engineering, midwifery, psychology and law are all up over the 90 mark,” Professor Parkin said.

“These new students, as Flinders graduates, will help to provide the highly skilled and qualified professionals required by our society and our economy.

“Flinders continues to attract able students from a wide range of social, cultural and educational backgrounds.”

More offers will be made to prospective students in coming weeks, and Professor Parkin urged anyone considering tertiary study in 2010 to submit a late application.

“A wide range of our undergraduate courses remain open for qualified applicants through a variety of entry pathways,” he said.

Interested students can contact the Admissions/Prospective Students Office by phoning 08 8201 3074 or 1300 657 671 (local call cost), or email

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College of Science and Engineering News Nutrition and dietetics