Flinders congratulates Dr Kirsten Benkendorff
Dr Kirsten Benkendorff has won the 2011 Dorothy Hill Award from the Australian Academy of Science for her cancer research with marine molluscs.
Dr Kirsten Benkendorff has won the 2011 Dorothy Hill Award from the Australian Academy of Science for her cancer research with marine molluscs.
Flinders University’s Law School and Anglicare SA have combined to develop the Southern Justice Network (SJN), an initiative that draws together individuals and organisations with an interest in the justice system in Adelaide’s Southern region.
As South Australia prepares to overhaul legislation regulating criminal identification parades, Flinders psychologist Professor Neil Brewer, an international expert on factors affecting eyewitness reliability, is backing a move to photographic, computer-based line-ups.
A group of nine Flinders University students taking part in a national internship scheme has returned from Indonesia where they worked with some of the world’s biggest NGOs.
David Hume is among the best known names in Western philosophy, but appreciation of the influential Scottish thinker’s work tends to be fragmented, according to world-renowned Hume scholar Dr Stephen Buckle.
An Australian research team led by Flinders University researchers has discovered two new genes that could open the way to new treatments for blinding glaucoma.
A public forum aimed at finding common ground in debates about children and the media will be held at Flinders University Victoria Square on Friday.
Flinders University has further strengthened its pursuit of research excellence with the appointment of Professor Jeri Kroll as the Dean of Graduate Research.
Professor David Lewis, Director of Flinders University’s Centre for NanoScale Science and Technology, has been chosen to take part in Austrade’s Visiting Researcher Program to Europe in 2011.