Internationally renowned earth scientist, hydrogeologist and groundwater expert at Flinders University Professor Craig Simmons is joining the Australian Research Council as Executive Director, Maths, Physics, Chemistry and Earth Sciences.
A Fellow of the Australian Academy of Technological Sciences and Engineering and multi-award winning researcher whose accolades include SA Scientist of the Year (2015) Australian Water Professional of the Year (2017) and Flinders University Convocation Medallist (2017), the Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor is currently the Director of the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training.
Professor Simmons joins a highly respected team of Executive Directors at the Australian Research Council.
“I am excited to join the ARC. I look forward to working with researchers, industry, government and the community to grow knowledge and innovation for Australia” Professor Simmons says.
The ARC’s Executive Directors are highly-respected and research managers in their fields, with strong Australian and international research networks. They perform a valuable role liaising with the research community and contributing their expertise to inform ARC programs, policies and peer review processes.
The ARC’s EDs are drawn from the higher education and research sectors to provide expert advice and guidance across the ARC’s core functions and discipline areas, and the ARC has strong expertise from the sector it supports.
They play an important role in providing strategic policy and operational advice, outreach with the higher education and research sector, along with specific funding scheme and discipline expertise.
Flinders University Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Robert Saint congratulated Professor Simmons on this prestigious appointment.
“Craig’s incredible breadth of expertise, his international standing and rigorous research and policy background will be an enormous asset to the ARC and the nation” Professor Saint says.
Professor Simmons will continue his existing Flinders University research projects, but will step aside from his roles as Pro Vice-Chancellor (Strategic Research Projects), and Director of the National Centre for Groundwater Research and Training for the term of his ARC appointment.