Four Flinders University professors are among the newest cohort of specialists chosen to identify research excellence, moderate external assessments and recommend proposals for the Australian Research Council (ARC) as members of its College of Experts.
The ARC enlists members of its College of Experts for terms of one to three years, who play a key role in advancing knowledge and contributing to national innovation.
Together with selection and recommendation roles, the experts assist in recruiting and assigning ARC assessors and implementing peer review reforms. They are chosen from higher education, industry and public sector research organisations.
Flinders University Professor Michael Brunger and Professor Sarah Wendt are already part of the expert group.
2019 College of Experts Flinders recruits:
Professor Nicholls is Dean Research in the College of Education, Psychology and Social Work and editor of the journal Laterality. His key interests are within cognitive neuroscience, which examines cognitive processes and how they relate to brain function, including recent research on subconscious and conscious own-age bias.
Associate Professor Janni Petersen
Associate Professor Janni Petersen is Associate Professor of Human Anatomy in the College of Medicine and Public Health, and a member of the Nutrition and Metabolism Theme at SAHMRI. A biomedical scientist, her current research is in the field of cancer cell signalling.
Professor Raston is Professor of Clean Technology at the College of Science and Engineering, whose current research focuses on clean technology and green chemistry. He is on editorial and/or advisory boards of the journals Green Chemistry, RSC Advances (Royal Society of Chemistry), and Crystal Growth and Design (American Chemical Society), and has held executive roles, including president, on the Royal Australian Chemical Institute (RACI).
Professor Roach Anleu is a Matthew Flinders Distinguished Professor in the College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, and a Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. Her interests extend across the sociology of law, including current studies examining emotion and emotional expression in judicial performance.