Conservation and biodiversity student Saskia Gerhardy will represent Flinders at the first World Environment Fair at Adelaide Showground this weekend.
In the leadup to World Environment Day on 5 June, the fair will include a speech from environmental crusader Professor Ross Gaunaut AO, talks and presentations by 30 other speakers, as well as 50 exhibitors from across Australia – each highlighting how positive change can make a difference.
At the Environmental Platform speaker’s corner, Saskia Gerhardy, 21, of Willunga, will call for others to join her in saving wildlife and nature.
Now in her final year of a Bachelor in Biodiversity and Conservation, Saskia volunteers for Trees for Life, is the young Landcare SA ambassador and works with two Landcare groups.
She is a School Services Officer at Willunga Primary School where she coordinates and delivers the Envirokids Program and also leads YACCA (Youth and Community in Conservation Action), a group of young environmentalists participating and engaging in a range of conservation activities. The YACCA group is working on establishing a series of YACCA groups across the state.
“It’s a real launch pad to inspire, educate and encourage budding environmentalists,” says Saskia of the YACCA movement.
“We hope to entice others to join YACCA at the two day event (on 3-4 June).”
As well as expanding YACCA, Saskia is planning to “work hard to get environmental education into classes and the school curriculum”.
“I also would be keen to support reintroduction programs, species monitoring and general conservation work,” she says. “There are lots of opportunities and great programs within the environment field, so it’s hard to pick just one.”
The ‘environmental hub’ at the World Environment Fair includes displays ranging from electric cars, affordable housing and sustainable living to conservation, animal and wildlife displays and activities for children.
Award-winning environmental author and broadcaster Tanya Ha and Adelaide’s science educator Dr Dean Hutton, will give presentations along with Professor Garnaut, Professor Professorial Research Fellow in Economics at the University of Melbourne.
Admission for under 18s is free. Further information and general admission tickets at http://worldenvironmentfair.org.au/