Mr Stephen Gerlach AM has been re-appointed for a third term as Chancellor of Flinders University to March 2022.
The reappointment was agreed unanimously by the University Council at its meeting on Thursday 9 March.
Mr Gerlach was first appointed Chancellor in March 2010 and again from March 2014. His third term will begin in March 2018.
During his tenure Flinders has cemented its position as a top 2% world university, and undergone considerable transformation, opening an innovation and enterprise centre at Tonsley in 2015, and an award-winning student hub and plaza at Bedford Park in 2016.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Stirling said that the reappointment of Mr Gerlach was an important continuation of leadership at a transformational time for the University.
“Stephen Gerlach is a highly respected business and community leader in Australia, and Flinders is fortunate to have his insight and leadership for another term. His commercial and business experience will be a great asset for the University during a period of transformational change that will deliver the ambitious goals of our 2025 Agenda.”
Mr Gerlach said that building on past success, Flinders has enormous potential in the next stage of its development.
“I am honoured to be asked to extend my term as Chancellor of Flinders University and am looking forward to continuing to work with Council members and the Vice-Chancellor in order to realise the true potential of the University”, Mr Gerlach said.
Mr Stephen Gerlach AM has previously been Chairman of Santos Ltd, Elders Australia Ltd, Equatorial Mining Ltd, Challenger Listed Investments Limited, Amdel Ltd and Penrice Ltd and a director of a number of other public companies including Southcorp Ltd, Brunner Mond Holdings Ltd (UK) and Elders Rural Bank.
He is currently Director of Beston Global Foods Ltd and Beston Pacific Asssett Management Pty Ltd, and Chair Ebony Energy Ltd and Adelaide Capital Partners Ltd
Mr Gerlach was a partner of the Adelaide legal firm Finlaysons for 23 years and its Managing Partner from 1985 to 1991.
He has also been actively involved in a number of community and professional associations and is at the present time a member of the AICD and a member of the Corporate Governance Committee. He is currently a Trustee of the Australian Cancer Research Foundation, Chair of the Psychosis Australia Board of Trustees, and Director of the General Sir John Monash Scholarship Foundation Inc.