Flinders University will host two Fringe on Tour events at its Bedford Park campus during the Adelaide Fringe Festival 2016.
The University, which is Program Sponsor of the Fringe and a major partner of its TREv program (formerly known as Fringe Benefits), will see its brand new hub and plaza sway to the beat of the high energy events on Friday 4th and Saturday 5th March.
Friday’s activity is expected to attract hundreds of students, while on Saturday the surrounding community will be invited for family Fringe fun – and a first look at Flinders’ new facilities.
An exciting twist in the sponsorship will put two Flinders students at the centre of the action for the duration of the festival, as they take up roles as ‘Fringe interns’.
They are expected to provide a rare insider account of the festival, along with event teasers, through Flinders’ social media.
The new internships will last for 10-12 weeks and see the students assist with the TREv (Tickets Reviews Events) program and Corporate Partnerships departments in the Fringe office before and during the festival.
It’s not just the interns who stand to benefit though, with invitations to a wide range of Fringe functions and events, including highly sought after Fringe Club passes, being made available to Flinders students and staff.
As part of its TREv partnership, Flinders will receive special tickets for all TREv events, with invitations going out to alumni aged 18-30 for special preview shows.
Up to six volunteer ‘reviewer’ positions will also be offered to Flinders University students in the TREv Reviewer Team, allowing them to attend shows for free and write about them.
Another exciting twist in Flinders’ Fringe story is that Fringe staff will be invited to the University as guest lecturers. This follows the success of similar lectures last year.
For more info on Fringe on Tour, click here.