The Federal Government’s announcement of major funding to tackle ice addiction could be a game changer in the battle against one of the world’s most destructive drugs, according to drug addiction expert Professor Ann Roche.
Professor Roche, Director of the National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction at Flinders University, said the money could save lives, rebuild communities and even boost the economy by several times the amount of the funding spent due to savings in productivity.
As one of Australia’s leading experts on addiction, its impact on individuals, communities and the economy, Professor Roche has been involved in major research at Flinders’ NCETA to work out how to deal with ice and methamphetamine addiction.
“This is the most exciting piece of news in quite some time for everyone involved in the battle against ice and methamphetamine addiction in Australia,” said Professor Roche.
“More than 400,000 Australians use methamphetamine so that gives an indication of the scale of the problem – the majority of these are in employment, which has obvious impacts on workplace safety and productivity.
“In rural communities the most recent statistics show that the problem is even worse, with almost twice the prevalence of use compared with cities.
“This funding will mean more opportunities for dealing with the causes and consequences of ice and methamphetamine use and will be a much needed boost for everyone working in this area.
“Perhaps even more importantly, it will provide hope for individuals and communities struggling to cope with the impacts of these highly destructive drugs.”
For more information on Flinders University’s National Centre for Education and Training on Addiction, go to: http://nceta.flinders.edu.au/