Flinders University has announced the appointment of Professor Robert Saint as its new Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) from 15 June, 2015.
Flinders Vice-Chancellor Professor Colin Stirling welcomed the appointment, saying Professor Saint brings to Flinders a wealth of experience in research, research management and leadership.
“As a researcher, he has an outstanding record in terms of research publications and funding grants, and has received numerous honours and awards. He also has more than 20 years of experience in academic leadership, and has held management roles at Adelaide University, the Australian National University and the University of Melbourne,” Professor Stirling said.
“There are exciting challenges and opportunities ahead and I look forward to Professor Saint’s leadership as we approach our 50th anniversary and beyond.”
Professor Saint (pictured) has 118 publications to date, two patents and numerous honours and awards, including the Julian Wells Medal, the MJD White lecture and the President’s medal of the Australian and New Zealand Society for Cell and Developmental Biology. He currently holds National Health and Medical Research Council (NH&MRC) research funding and has held significant grants from both Australian Research Council (ARC) and NH&MRC over a period of 25 years, including an ARC Special Research Centre from 2000-2008.
He was a member of the ARC College of Experts (2008-2010) and in 2009 was Chair of the ARC Biological Science and Biotechnology panel. From 2009 to 2013 he was a member of the Human Frontier Science Program Grant Review Panel and has served on National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) panels. From 2012 to 2014 he was a standing member of the Prime Minister’s Science, Engineering and Innovation Council (PMSEIC).
A PhD graduate of the University of Adelaide, Professor Saint’s research career has also taken him to Stanford University, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, The University of Melbourne, CSIRO (Canberra), and ANU. His experience in academic leadership includes a number of management roles at Adelaide University and ANU, followed by his appointment as Dean of Science at Melbourne University. He returned to the University of Adelaide in 2013 to his current position of Pro Vice-Chancellor (Research Strategy).
Professor Saint will take over from Professor David Day who is retiring from the position of DVC Research but who will continue his association with Flinders as a research academic.
The Vice-Chancellor extended his thanks to Professor Day for his outstanding contribution to Flinders as Deputy Vice-Chancellor and wished him well in his future endeavours.
15 May, 2015