The excellence of Flinders University’s teaching has earned the nation’s highest accolade with nine individuals and teams being awarded Citations for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), announced today.
It is the equal highest number of citations awarded to a single institution in the 2011 round of Citations and includes one of a total of 22 special awards to ‘Early Career Achievers’, offered for the first time.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic), Professor Andrew Parkin congratulated the award recipients and said their achievements reflected the University’s commitment to high quality teaching and scholarship.
“Quality in teaching is a long-standing, distinguishing characteristic of Flinders,” Professor Parkin said.
“It is a characteristic of which the University is proud but one it does not take for granted. Its achievement calls for a campus-wide focus on the dissemination and embedding of good teaching practices and the ability and willingness to respond to student feedback,” he said.
“Our teachers have again demonstrated the capacity and desire to motivate and inspire their students and to create new tools and techniques to enhance the student learning experience.
“On behalf of the University, I extend my congratulations to each of the recipients of the ATLC Citations – one of the nation’s highest teaching honours, as determined by their peers and the tertiary education sector.”
The winners of the Citations, worth $10,000 each, are:
Patricia Barkway (School of Nursing and Midwifery)
For sustained commitment to teaching mental health and health psychology to nursing students that inspires them to embed this learning in their clinical practice
The Clinical Communication Project team (Mrs Didy Button, Mrs Moira Kelton, Mr Gregory Mathews, Dr Karen Wotton) (School of Nursing and Midwifery)
For significant contribution by team members in developing an online, self-directed Clinical Communication Program assisting nursing students’ development and application of professional language
Associate Professor Diana Glenn (School of Humanities)
For sustained commitment to excellence in research-based teaching that inspires and motivates students in the field of Italian language and culture
Lyn Gum (Flinders University Rural Clinical School)
For development and delivery of innovative strategies in interprofessional education and simulation learning within curriculum and the rural community
Tania Leiman (Flinders Law School)
For sustained excellence in teaching that supports, empowers and inspires first year law students to engage with law
Simulation Teaching Team (Professor Harry Owen, Ms Maria Cmielewski, Ms Karina Morrison, Ms Christine Nobes, Ms Meredith Reeve, Ms Leanne Rogers, Dr Cyle Sprick, Ms Debbie Stone) (School of Medicine)
For team pioneered, high-fidelity patient simulation in basic medical education to teach emergency care of the very sick in both metropolitan and regional settings
Professor Karen Reynolds, Associate Professor Kenneth Pope, Sherry Randhawa and David Hobbs (School of Computer Science, Engineering and Mathematics)
For teaching, supporting and inspiring students to learn, innovate and succeed as professional biomedical engineers
Associate Professor Robyn Young (School of Psychology)
For enhancing domestic and international students’ therapeutic skills in clinical and family settings through the development of a sustainable intervention program for children with disabilities
Early career
Gender Consortium (Dr Anuradha Mundkur, Ms Cara Ellickson and Mr Corey Durward) (School of International Studies)
For creating innovative learning spaces which promote the critical application of knowledge to ‘real world’ gender equity issues and inspire students to become change agents
The Citations will be presented at the 2011 Australian Awards for University Teaching ceremony at the Sydney Opera House on 16 August.