Social media exploitation erodes trust

Social media platforms in Australia are vulnerable to exploitation by foreign actors for commercial, political, and strategic reasons, according to new analysis. A review published in […]

Reading patterns in Facebook threads

How can you best navigate a relatively new form of conversation, where the speaker’s eyes or facial expressions are never seen, and replies can come either […]

From cause to cure? Social media for wellbeing

Doctors could consider “social prescribing” to support mental wellbeing, suggest leading psychiatry researchers in Australia and the US. In a hyperconnected world at work and home, depression […]

The study found that the chance of Year 7 bullies becoming victims in high school is 54.9%. Stock photo posed by models. Photo:iStock.

PEACE Pack takes on cyberbullies and trolls

A new manual focusing on cyberbullying and social networking hazards has been added to Flinders University’s internationally acclaimed PEACE Pack. The comprehensive new 40-page booklet with […]