Beware of toxic TikTok #fitspo videos

As the Federal government considers banning social media for children, Flinders University researchers warn that TikTok ‘fitspiration’ videos reinforce harmful gendered body ideals and often propagate […]

Social media: the stuff of nightmares?

The more time you spend on social media, the greater the likelihood of having unpleasant social-media related dreams that cause distress, sleep disruption and impact our […]

Prepping a healthy self-image

As the school year kicks off, primary school students are often asked to complete their first ‘About Me’ or ‘My Family’ assignment. This is a prime […]

Media Smart tackles social media pressures

The more time that teenage girls spend on Instagram, the greater their likelihood of having eating disorder thoughts and behaviours. Flinders University researchers have found that […]

Social media exploitation erodes trust

Social media platforms in Australia are vulnerable to exploitation by foreign actors for commercial, political, and strategic reasons, according to new analysis. A review published in […]