Challenges for blue whale populations

The largest living animal, the blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus) which averages about 27 metres in length, has slowly recovered from whaling only to face the rising challenges of […]

Deep dive into seaweed aquaculture

A new research project at Flinders University aims to explore and develop lucrative industrial-scale seaweed production, expected to create hundreds of jobs in regional Australia in […]

How rainforest fish adapt to habitat

The future of freshwater fish species in Australia’s tropical rainforest areas, including the Daintree and Mosman Gorge, will increasingly be subject to the vagaries of climatic […]

Snapper study finds three populations

New research on snapper has revealed that there are more genetically distinct populations in the western part of its Australian range than previously understood. The research, led by […]

Secrets of fish survival in the desert

How life manages to persist in unpredictable and extreme environments is a major question in evolution. For aquatic animals, extreme environments include those with little water […]

World-famous sardine migration explained

Scientists have discovered how one of the world’s biggest migration runs works. The Sardine Run involves the movement of hundreds of millions of sardines from their […]