Keep an eagle eye out for kestrels

The public is invited to help raptor ecologists at Flinders University’s BirdLab work on observing and conserving the ‘charismatic’ Nankeen kestrel, a small native bird of prey, which […]

New tests on shark deterrents

A new study led by Flinders University experts has tested the effectiveness of a newly developed, long-range electric shark deterrent on white sharks.   The 80 […]

Focus on caregivers of childhood glaucoma

Even with more advanced treatments and early intervention, caregivers of young people living with childhood glaucoma face profound challenges with no cure or way to reverse the damage […]

Better crime scene testing

Skin cells and their DNA varies between individuals, but new data from Flinders University shows that some groups of people have higher variability in their cell […]

Health signs signal change

The use of COVID-19 health warnings and regulation in posters and public signage has effectively turned much of the responsibility and policing of compliance back on […]