New plan launched to improve timely cancer support for South Australians
While new medical treatments have extended the lives of South Australians with cancer, they can still struggle to navigate the health system to receive care that […]
While new medical treatments have extended the lives of South Australians with cancer, they can still struggle to navigate the health system to receive care that […]
Flinders University is empowering researchers on their journey to create a better world by providing seed funding grants to address community challenges with new knowledge. The […]
Aged Care Research & Industry Innovation Australia (ARIIA) has welcomed the announcement of a $13 million investment from the Commonwealth Government to support its drive to […]
Flinders University Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Raymond Chan responds to the release of the National Science Statement and the National Science and Research Priorities. The release […]
To tackle the overuse of Australia’s critical water resources and the challenges posed by climate change, a team of leading environment and resource economists is joining […]
Four Flinders University early and mid-career researchers have been recognised as future science leaders for their outstanding research and science communication after being named in the […]
In the past, advanced or metastatic cancers were rapidly fatal, however with new treatments people with these cancers can now survive for a long time, sometimes […]