Lifting the veil on forced marriage

Forced marriage and slavery-like practices are going unchecked in South Australia, as social services, school teachers, nurses, doctors and other frontline workers do not recognise this […]

Virus tests support masks against COVID-19

Testing of commonly available fabric masks has found they significantly reduce the number of aerosolised viruses a wearer could be exposed to. The Flinders University study, […]

Media’s pivotal powers during pandemic

Can we trust the media for COVID-19 updates? The mass media’s coverage of the pandemic health crisis carries an important responsibility to offer balanced messaging about […]

Women’s burden increases in COVID-19 era

The triple burden endured by women – in productive, reproductive and community roles – has been exposed and intensified due to COVID-19-enforced lockdown and quarantine restrictions. […]

Pandemic exposes biodiversity-health nexus

Billions of people using the Earth’s resources and changing or destroying ecosystems are not only creating the global environmental and climate crisis, but also compromising human […]

Youth sport a long-term pandemic victim?

The potential for a generation being lost to sport due to the COVID-19 pandemic is significant, according to leading Flinders University sports researcher Professor Murray Drummond. […]