Taking reins of our future among stars

The new space age has reignited questions about how humans should engage in space and the right path for future exploration involving national space programs and […]

Out of this world experiment lands in space

A world-first – or solar system-first – archaeological project has this week begun on the International Space Station. Led by archaeologists Associate Professor Alice Gorman from […]

What we now know about living in space

November 2 marks 20 years since the first residents arrived on the International Space Station (ISS). The orbiting habitat has been continuously occupied ever since. Twenty […]

Warnings on Pilbara and other heritage sites

Destruction of important heritage sites in mining areas of Australia could happen again, Flinders University experts warn. They say ‘routine destruction’ of Aboriginal and Torres Strait […]

Earth Day shows a fragile planet

The fragile nature of our planet has never been so pronounced – which makes the 50th anniversary of Earth Day, on April 22, such a significant […]