Celebration of women and girls in STEM

The International Day of Women and Girls in Science is a chance to celebrate progress in many fields of study and endeavour. The Australian 2022 STEM Equity […]

PhD-MBA at Flinders an Australian first

For the first time in Australia, Flinders University is offering a concurrent PhD and MBA program for research candidates to upscale their qualifications and super-charge their career […]

$10m pledge for jobs of the future

A pledge by Labor leader Anthony Albanese and Industry spokesman Ed Husic committing $10 million to bolster advanced manufacturing through expansion of Flinders University’s Factory of […]

Student wellbeing program takes off

A South Australian school is expanding a research program seeking to reduce stress and anxiety among its students, where perfectionism, body image concerns, learning and workload […]

Strong jobs and pay for Flinders postgrads

The strongest employment and highest wages are enjoyed by Flinders University postgraduate students of any in South Australia, according to the latest Good University Guide report. […]