Eating together is more fulfilling
Making food the core of people’s daily routine need not breed a nation of fatties, says Professor Claude Fischler, a Visiting International Research Fellow at Flinders.
Making food the core of people’s daily routine need not breed a nation of fatties, says Professor Claude Fischler, a Visiting International Research Fellow at Flinders.
Staff and students can watch the 2016 US presidential election unfold on the super screen in the Hub today from 10am to 3pm. A round table at […]
Two special publications marking Flinders’ contribution to Indigenous affairs both in Australia and overseas are being launched as part of the University’s 50th Anniversary.
New Flinders University research on domestic violence has taken the approach of interviewing both male perpetrators and women in the hope of understanding how to successfully […]
The President of Flinders’ significant university partner in the Philippines will check out the new Hub and Plaza and Tonsley facilities tomorrow.
Pelicans and marine tile artwork will form part of a 14-year tradition of Indigenous students marking the start of their journey at Flinders University.
One in ten Australian children miss school at least once a week, almost one in six have been bullied, and one in thirty goes to bed or school hungry nearly every day.
Police line-up analyst, Professor Neil Brewer, has been made a fellow of the international Association for Psychological Science.
Under more pressure than ever to train harder, perform better and to look amazing while they do it, all in the full glare of social media. That’s the reality of women in sport.