Flinders creates School of the Environment

Flinders University’s capacity to train experts and provide the research required to tackle major environmental issues has been enhanced with the creation of a new School of the Environment.

Virtual reminders help with early dementia

A virtual reality tool, developed by Flinders University, is coming to the aid of older people with early onset dementia, improving their quality of life while giving their carers a little peace of mind.

Science teachers must be supported: Report

Governments and the higher education sector must join forces to boost the qualifications of high school science teachers in South Australia, according to the authors of a Flinders University study that has revealed many teachers are not qualified to teach the subjects for which they are responsible.

Research grant boosts environment gains

The potential to simultaneously produce environmentally friendly renewable fuels and high value products has been boosted by a $2.724 million Department of Resources, Energy and Tourism research grant to the Algal Fuels Consortium announced by the Federal Minister Hon. Martin Ferguson.

Big thinkers in town

Original thinkers from Flinders are very much to the fore in the sixth Adelaide Festival of Ideas, which has opened with the theme of ‘Pushing the Limits’.

Flinders teachers receive the highest praise

High quality, innovative teaching by staff at Flinders University has been acknowledged by the award of eight Citations for Contributions to Outstanding Student Learning from the Federal Government’s Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC).

Global focus at Flinders

Flinders University will be the catalyst for much discussion on international matters – from the intractable conflict on Cyprus to the mass movement of refugees – when conference delegates from around the world converge on Adelaide over the next week.

Mobilising microbes to rescue farmland

There are huge potential benefits to the agricultural sector from a Flinders University research project that will trial the use of lupin crops as a way of eliminating accumulated herbicide and pesticide residues in the soil.