Coping with cancer a click away

Surfing the web for helpful advice and support to get through cancer is one click away with the launch of a new Flinders open-access website.

Eating together is more fulfilling

Making food the core of people’s daily routine need not breed a nation of fatties, says Professor Claude Fischler, a Visiting International Research Fellow at Flinders.

Casting SA as a State of Hope

As South Australia faces many new challenges, a special publication State of Hope examines how past strengths can be used to inspire renewal and revitalisation.

Unis unite to pal up with industry

South Australian universities are teaming with key industry partners to stage the inaugural Asia-Pacific University Industry Innovation Network (UIIN) conference in Adelaide.

Help to save rare humpback dolphins

Flinders researchers have confirmed the importance of the remote Ningaloo Reef in WA as a conservation site of significance for the rare and secretive Australian humpback dolphin.

Cisco networks keep growing

Flinders at Tonsley has forged some new networking connections, this time with five New Zealand universities and NZ government officials after a study tour hosted by Cisco Australia.