Warrior, Soldier, Brigand

A new book about institutional abuse within the Australian Defence Force

Warrior, Soldier, Brigand, a new book by Flinders University’s, Professor Ben Wadham, explores the fundamental paradox that underpins abuse in the military—an organisation of and for violence.

The book gives a forensic analysis including personal accounts of how institutionalised abuse in the Australian Defence Force (ADF) has affected the people who served there.

The book will be launched on Thursday 3 October by Professor Wadham and co-author Associate Professor James Connor at Torrens Parade Ground and Drill Hall in Adelaide.

Professor Ben Wadham. Photo courtesy Flinders Foundation

“This is an important piece of literature and a historical record for Australian Defence Force veterans on the institutional abuse within the ADF,” says Professor Wadham, Director of Flinders’ Open Door Initiative.

The authors argue that three pillars shape the patterns of abuse in the Australian Defence Force (ADF): martial masculinities, military exceptionalism and fraternity.

Historically, the military has been an almost exclusively male domain, but since the Vietnam War it has become an all-volunteer force and more culturally diverse, a change that has proven to be profoundly challenging, and one the ADF has not always readily welcomed nor sufficiently addressed.

While the ADF may train and accommodate some of the best military personnel in the world, it has not resolved the use of that violent potential against its own.

Wadham and Connor report on the shifting landscape of the ADF since 1969, describing military institutional abuse across the decades and asking the question: to what extent can an authoritarian institution liberalise?

Nick Kaldas APM (Chair), Lead Commissioner of the Royal Commission into Defence and Veteran Suicide has given his endorsement to the book.

“This work is one of the most insightful, significant examinations of the problems that have existed in our ADF for decades. It is not overstating it to say it is of historic importance,” says Mr Kaldas.

“The sheer honesty that shines through these pages is as refreshing as it is inspiring. It is hoped the work helps maintain the momentum for real, lasting change in the ADF, in particular, the support for ‘an independent mechanism of scrutiny’.

“Our nation must learn from the past and do better for our veterans and serving members. This work makes the urgent case for reform inarguable, and for that it must be highly commended,” he adds.

*Please be advised that the contents depict first person accounts of institutional abuse that readers may find distressing.*

Warrior, Soldier, Brigand published by Melbourne University Publishing is now available in all good bookstores or online via this link.

Professor Ben Wadham and Associate Professor James Connor will launch the book on Thursday 3 October, from 10am-12pm, at the Torrens Parade Ground and Drill Hall, Victoria Drive, Adelaide.  There will be a presentation followed by a conversation and Q&A session with the authors and John Mannion, CEO of Breakthrough Mental Health Research Foundation. Tickets can be booked here.

Open Door Initiative: The Open Door: Understanding and Supporting Service Personnel and their Families research initiative at Flinders University is an Australasian research hub that brings together veterans, scholars and practitioners together around key research, service provision  and policy/legislation initiatives.Professor Wadham is Director of The Open Door Initiative.

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College of Education, Psychology and Social Work Defence