Flinders University has been shortlisted as a finalist in the Defence and National Security Workforce Awards 2024 for Best Future Skills Provider.
The inaugural Defence & National Security Workforce Awards program recognises up-and-comers and initiatives from across the industry, from the best technical, operations, and communications specialists under 35 to the nation’s leading Reserve support and training development programs.
The finalist list features 79 high-achieving professionals and businesses across 20 categories.
Acting Flinders University Vice-Chancellor, Professor Raymond Chan said the University is delighted to be nominated as Best Future Skills Provider in recognition of its investment in the future workforce pipeline.
“From the Diploma of Digital Technologies upskilling workers with the digital skills required for modern shipbuilding, to Women in STEM Cadetships and Advanced Apprenticeships that have upskilled over 200 women in defence industry, related sectors and STEM teachers to grow the future pipeline, Flinders is being recognised for delivering successful education programs.”
Professor in Innovation Giselle Rampersad said Flinders University has many exciting initiatives that will create opportunities of national significance for students in defence and the defence industry.
“Flinders has secured 330 AUKUS CSP places, launched our Nuclear Engineering Program through partnerships with the University of Rhode Island and Manchester University, is training members of Defence and the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) in our Masters in EW (Electromagnetic Systems and Spectrum Operations),” Professor Rampersad said.
“The University’s nomination as a finalist demonstrates our skills, progress and outstanding track record.”
“We thank our students and collaborators from government, industry and academia for their partnerships and support, and also congratulate the other finalists.”
Liam Garman, editor of Defence Connect, said the Defence & National Security Workforce Awards provide businesses in the defence and national security sector an opportunity to celebrate the achievements of their rising stars and shine a spotlight on their innovative workforce programs.
“As the industry continues to grapple with ongoing workforce challenges, there’s never been a more important time to celebrate those who have transformed the way we work.”