For the first time in Australia, Flinders University is offering a concurrent PhD and MBA program for research candidates to upscale their qualifications and super-charge their career prospects.
From the life and medical sciences, computer science and engineering to PhDs in the humanities and social sciences, the program will prepare a new class of scientific managers and entrepreneurs ready to lead the workforce of the 21st century.
The new PhD-MBA, on offer from 2023, gives innovative researchers an opportunity to gain a doctorate and an accelerated Masters in Business Administration (MBA) qualification in as little as four years.
“Designed to integrate and fit into doctorate studies, the world-class MBA program at Flinders will give students a ‘real edge’ when taking their research expertise into the job market,” says Flinders University MBA director Carla Dias Wadewitz, a co-lead of the new PhD-MBA.
“Graduates will finish with an intense knowledge of their scientific field, plus important business, management, technology, Industry 4.0 and 5.0, sustainability, innovation and entrepreneurial skills, so they will be highly sought after for well-paid positions in a wide range of jobs,” she says.
Inspired by successful overseas PhD MBA programs at leading tertiary institutions in the US, France, Israel and Singapore, the Flinders University offering incorporates work integrated learning placements, cross-disciplinary education and an all-round understanding of analytical and creative thinking.
Program co-lead Professor Harald Janovjak says that skills acquired during the MBA will prepare an expert in their research field for ‘real world’ problem-solving, as well as open the door to relevant local and international professional networks.
“The story behind this new PhD-MBA is a story about listening to our next generation of researchers, many of which have expressed the desire to draw skills from different disciplines, to pursue more than one interest, and to be ready for industry, not-for-profit organisations and government,” he says.
“This new program will give our students a unique opportunity to embark on cutting-edge research in their area of expertise while gaining knowhow in management, and importantly take steps into the real business world.”
Flinders University Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research) Professor Robert Saint says that the PhD-MBA offering provides “world-class training that will give our graduates the skills needed to cover the range of research, entrepreneurship, commercialisation and business management activities that graduate researchers increasingly find they need to excel.”
Anthony Skeats, Chief Engineer at Micro-X, a high-tech company based at Tonsley Innovation District in Adelaide, works with Flinders University undergraduate and postgraduate students and endorses the PhD-MBA opportunity.
“Flinders University produces brilliant scientists and engineers who are job-ready on graduation. The opportunity to combine students’ scientific knowledge and business acumen will fast-track their careers and be invaluable to their future employers,” says Mr Skeats.
Other key points:
- An Australian-first combined research PhD (3-4 years EFTSL) and MBA (1.5 year EFTSL) cross-disciplinary offering in as little as 4 years
- Start: Semester 1, 2023
- In-depth PhD research in all disciplines available at Flinders University
- Flinders University is No 1 in Australia for postgraduate employment (QILT 2021 Outcomes Survey)
- World-class business and entrepreneurial skills of the Flinders MBA
- Aligns with the Federal Government focus on skills development, workforce demands and research translation
- Industry internships and latest technology experience
- Discounted fees for Flinders University alumni and staff
For more information go to flinders.edu.au/phd-mba