Focusing on critical issues such as unhealthy eating behaviour and prostate cancer treatment, 12 outstanding Flinders University students have been awarded the Vice-Chancellor’s Prize for Doctoral Thesis Excellence.
The winners, all PhD students who completed their thesis in 2017, were presented with their awards at a special ceremony at Flinders University on Monday May 14.
Several of the PhD winners attended the presentation ceremony for exceptional Higher Degree Research papers. They were introduced and presented by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), Professor Robert Saint, and the Dean of Graduate Research, Professor Tara Brabazon.
The high-achieving Flinders students’ research was described as having significant impact.
They will be future leaders, with many already working in their chosen fields, the Vice-Chancellor Professor Stirling says.
The 12 student awards granted each year are for PhD students recommended by their external thesis examiners, supervisors and the University Higher Degrees by Research committee, and endorsed by Professor Saint.
Professor Paul Ward, Head of Public Health at Flinders, was awarded the VC’s Award for Excellence in Supervision as nominated by students.
This year’s 12 student winners are:
Dr Qi Yang for her thesis entitled “Identifying untapped microbial resources in the marine sponge microbiome” supervised by Professor Chris Franco and Professor Wei Zhang (College of Medicine and Public Health).
Dr Suvimol Charoensiddhi for “Process development for functional food ingredients with gut health benefits from the brown seaweed Ecklonia radiata” supervised by Professor Wei Zhang and Professor Chris Franco (College of Medicine and Public Health).
Dr Zoe Wallin for “Film Cycles and the Hollywood Studio System” supervised by Professor Richard Maltby and Associate Professor Mike Walsh (College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences).
Dr Naomi Kakoschke for “Understanding and modifying unhealthy eating behaviour: The role of automatic processing, self-regulatory control and trait eating styles” supervised by Professor Eva Kemps and Professor Marika Tiggemann (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work).
Dr Philip Townsend for “Travelling together and sitting alongside: How might the use of mobile devices enhance the professional learning of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander pre-service teachers in remote communities?” supervised by Professor John Halsey and Associate Professor John Guenther (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work).
Dr Lynne Taylor for “Redeeming authenticity: an empirical study on the conversion to Christianity of previously unchurched Australians” supervised by Professor Andrew Dutney (College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences) and Associate Professor Carolyn Palmer (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work).

Dr Kate Bartel for “Protective and Risk Factors for Adolescent Sleep Health” supervised by Professor Michael Gradisar and Professor Jason McCarley (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work).
Dr Katherine Morel for “Parthenolide in the Treatment and Prevention of Prostate Cancer” supervised by Professor Pam Sykes and Associate Professor Sonja Klebe and Dr Rebecca Ormsby (College of Medicine and Public Health).
Julie Mushynsky for “The Archaeology of World War II Karst Defences in the Pacific” supervised by Associate Professor Amy Roberts and Associate Professor Heather Burke (College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences).
Dr Leena Baghdadi for “Studies exploring the relationship between methotrexate use and blood pressure and arterial function in the rheumatoid arthritis population” supervised by Professor Arduino Mangoni, Professor Richard Woodman and Professor Michael Shanahan (College of Medicine and Public Health).
Dr Saad Algraini for “A Critical Systemic Approach to Human Development in Education: A Case Study of the Ministry of Education in Saudi Arabia” supervised by Associate Professor Janet McIntyre (College of Business, Government and Law) and Dr George Karpetis (College of Education, Psychology and Social Work).
Dr Jamie Ranse for “Australian Civilian Hospital Nurses’ Lived Experience of the Out-of-hospital Environment Following a Disaster” supervised by Professor Paul Arbon (College of Medicine and Public Health) and Dr Lynette Cusack (College of Nursing and Health Sciences).