In 2017, Bedford Park is strongly associated with Flinders University, Flinders Medical Centre and Flinders Private Hospital. But what came before?
To celebrate 100 years of development at Bedford Park, local history enthusiast Wendy Loneragan will share stories including how the site was originally used to treat returning soldiers for tuberculosis in 1917.
Her presentation will be illustrated with rare photographs, including black and white shots of a grand, two-storey stone mansion built in 1892 that stood where Flinders Medical Centre and Flinders Private Hospital now stand.
Used as a nursing administration building for the tuberculosis sanatorium on the site, it was demolished in 1964.

How did the University Vice Chancellor in 1960 describe the farmland ridgetop where the university was to be built?
What’s the connection between Bedford Park, TB and Bedford Industries?
What was it like to get back from the horrors of trench warfare in France in 1916 only to be diagnosed with TB and face the long isolation and uncertainty of treatment?
Those questions, and more, will be answered on Wednesday afternoon at the Level 6 Walkway, Flinders Private Hospital, from 2pm.
Complimentary tea and biscuits will follow.