45 years of Indonesian scholarship

Kadar Lucas, Flinders artist Emily Rustanto and Anton Lucas at the OzAsia 2016 festival.

A valuable record of Indonesian social history, including research covering the country’s struggle for independence in the 1940s, will be officially launched as a Flinders University Collection.

It will join other special historic collections at Flinders, including those donated by Don Dunstan, John Bannon, Keith Borrow, Dr HV Evatt and the Eros Foundation Publications and Archives.

Associate Professor Anton Lucas began his studies of Indonesia in 1970 and came to Flinders in 1981 to teach Indonesian after working at the Hasanuddin University in South Sulawesi (1984-85), and at Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta (1990-1992).

A member of the national Reference Group of the Australian Consortium for Indonesian In-Country Studies since 2004, he has been instrumental in establishing the Indonesian focus at Flinders University.

Jembatan is a Flinders 50th Anniversary initiative bringing Australian and Indonesian communities together to encourage cross-cultural exchange and understanding.

A special Flinders 50th Anniversary Jembatan exhibition of the Anton Lucas Collection will open in the Noel Stockdale Room at the Flinders University Central Library from 3pm on Friday 21 October. All are welcome.

The collection includes original research materials that contributed to Dr Lucas’s extensive publication of books and articles and his successful teaching career. The material includes interviews with women in the revolution, religious movements, and agrarian and environmental protect movements.

Dr Priyambudi Sulistiyanto, senior lecturer at the School of History and International Relations, says the collection deepens Flinders University’s engagement with Indonesia.

“It enriches our understanding and knowledge about modern Indonesian history and, importantly, is available to students and members of the public who can access these rare materials and archives for their academic and research endeavours,” he says.

The Anton Lucas Collection will add to a large number of special-focus collections donated by staff including Emeritus Professor Vincent Megaw, Gus Fraenkel, Syd Harrex, Brian Medlin, and more.

Professor Andrew Parkin, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) will open the Anton Lucas Collection exhibition.

All are welcome at the Noel Stockdale Room at the Central Library (21 October) from 3-6pm. Refreshments provided.




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