The framework for the evaluation of the trial of the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) by the National Institute of Labour Studies (NILS) at Flinders University has recently been released by the Department of Social Services (DSS).
The NDIS Evaluation is a major multi-component and multi-method project being undertaken by Flinders University between 2013 and 2016, with NILS leading the consortium that is evaluating the trial. The independent evaluation has been commissioned by the DSS.
The Director of NILS, Professor Kostas Mavromaras, said the Evaluation Framework provides an overview of the way in which the NILS-led team will monitor and evaluate the experience of participants, and their families and carers, specialist service providers and their workforces in the trial sites of the Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria and Tasmania.
“The Evaluation Framework presents the methodology and design of the evaluation, alongside the NDIS policy logic,” Professor Mavromaras said.
“It also presents an implementation plan and time schedule that reflects our state of knowledge in 2013. It is important to bear in mind that whilst methodology, design and policy logic remain largely unaltered (as they must for the robustness of the Evaluation) the implementation plan and time schedule are adapting to reflect the dynamic evolution of the NDIS during its roll out years.
“In order to be well informed and relevant, the NDIS Evaluation is reflecting the new evidence arising from the evolution of the NDIS roll out and is incorporating the new knowledge that this brings to us.
“The task of the NDIS Evaluation Team is not only to produce the most robust possible evidence for the short-term 2013-2016 window of the NDIS roll out, but also to lay the foundations for a lasting and comprehensive body of Australian evidence that will allow for the longer term tracking of the evolution of the NDIS and how it reflects the needs of people with disability.”
The Council of Australian Governments Disability Reform Council approved the framework for the evaluation in December 2013.
General information about the NDIS Evaluation can be found at and the full text of the Evaluation Framework can be found at