Dance, visual arts and fashion students are being offered the best of both worlds in a new partnership between Flinders University and TAFE SA.
Three new Bachelor of Creative Arts qualifications are being launched today in a performance gala in the spectacular setting of the new Tonsley TAFE campus.
Minister for Employment, Higher Education and Skills Gail Gago said the new model of study – with students enrolled and studying with both institutions simultaneously – was designed to build a stronger skills base for the arts sector in South Australia.
“These degrees will integrate practical, studio-based learning with the theory of university study to give students the highest standard of training in dance, fashion and visual arts,” Ms Gago said.
“The new courses bring together the collective knowledge and resources of both these educators to offer a world-leading fully integrated study program.”
Flinders University’s Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academic) Professor Andrew Parkin said by integrating a TAFE SA Diploma course within the Bachelor of Creative Arts, the University would significantly enhance the practical skills of students.
“Flinders has an outstanding national reputation for its education and training in the creative and performing arts, and this collaboration with TAFE SA adds further depth to our offerings, as well as broadening pathways to university study,” Professor Parkin said.
TAFE SA Acting Chief Executive Miriam Silva said the courses showed TAFE’s commitment to providing higher education options for its students.
“Students will gain from the expertise of both specialist providers while benefiting from TAFE SA’s Adelaide College of Arts, the only purpose-built arts centre of its kind in Australia with 20 studios, three theatres and dozens of workshops,” Ms Silva said.
Students graduating in the Bachelor of Creative Arts (Dance), Bachelor of Creative Arts (Fashion) and Bachelor of Creative Arts (Visual Arts) will also receive diploma and advanced diploma qualifications
For more information on the new Bachelor of Creative Arts courses and to enrol, visit the Flinders website for Dance, Fashion or Visual Arts.