Flinders is exploring establishing a new Student Hub to be the vibrant heart of Flinders University – and be both physical and virtual in structure.
Starting with a blank canvas, the University asked students about their needs and what would enhance their time at Flinders. Both students and staff have been encouraged to provide feedback.
University librarian and Student Hub Engagement Project lead, Ian McBain said a comprehensive consultation process has been undertaken during the past couple of months, including scribble-boards on campus, feedback forms, on-line surveys and forums.
“We’d like to thank everyone for their contribution to date – the generous and thoughtful feedback we’ve received has helped us identify the needs of students and staff,” Mr McBain said.
“We have had valuable suggestions, an interesting indication of desired elements, and have also identified some challenging issues. All of this will help shape Flinders for the future,” he said.
Flinders’ Your Hub, Your Say Student Engagement Campaign also included a Student Pitch competition.
“The calibre of Student Hub Pitch entries has been inspiring and the winner was announced in early November,” Mr McBain said.
Flinders University undergraduate student, Tamara Babij was awarded a $1,000 cash prize for her entry.
“Tamara’s seven-minute pitch presentation was vibrant, thorough, well researched, creative, relevant and insightful,” Mr McBain said.
“She recognised the diversity of study behaviours at the University and addressed all aspects of enhancing the student experience at Flinders through her content, presentation, innovation and practical application of her entry.”
The next step in Flinders’ Student Hub project is to present the findings to University Council, to explore how the University can create a new Student Hub to serve all students as they learn, relax and socialise.