Law’s best brains urged to work for the common good

law-prizes1The Hon Catherine Branson, President of the Human Rights and Equal Opportunity Commission and Human Rights Commissioner, has urged prizewinners from the Flinders Law School to use their legal knowledge and skills for the common good.

Addressing the prize-giving ceremony on April 6, Ms Branson (pictured) outlined the important role Australian lawyers had played in the development of human rights since the Second World War, highlighting the roles played by Dr Herbert Evatt and Dame Roma Mitchell.

Speaking to the award winners, guests and prize sponsors from Adelaide’s legal profession, Ms Branson said that Dr Evatt and Dame Roma had made major contributions to the law through their careers as lawyers and judges, but had also done much to promote equality and human rights outside the court room.

An audience of more than 250 saw total of 121 prizes and awards presented to students in acknowledgement of their academic achievements during 2009.

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