Frogs have tantrums to protect patch
The red-eyed tree frog’s secret is out: rather than croaking an attractive tune, it uses vibrations to improve its chances of finding a mate.
The red-eyed tree frog’s secret is out: rather than croaking an attractive tune, it uses vibrations to improve its chances of finding a mate.
Flinders University research that could dramatically slash the energy and maintenance needs of desalination plants has just been given a major boost.
Flinders University projects have received more than $1.3 million in Australian Research Council Linkage funding announced today by the Minister for Innovation, Industry, Science and Research, Senator Kim Carr.
New business and community development opportunities funded by the Federal Government would lay the foundations for a sustainable economic future for Murray and Murrumbidgee river towns following a major water buyback, according to Flinders University researchers, Professor Chris Miller and Associate Professor Fiona Verity.
The need to stop whaling has been given greater urgency by new research that shows Southern Ocean sperm whales play an important role in removing carbon from the atmosphere.
Professor Michael Kidd, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences at Flinders University, has become the first Australian in more than 30 years to be elected President of the World Organisation of Family Doctors.
A new Centre for Gambling Research at Flinders will focus on all current and novel forms of gambling, particularly on-line, which pose huge potential problems for the community.
New techniques for tracking bomb-making materials, and possibly pointing the way towards the terrorists themselves, are being researched at Flinders University.
The boom-bust cycle of Australia’s trade relationship with countries like China could be mitigated with a more sophisticated dialogue involving the Federal Government and the private sector, according to Mr Richard Leaver.