Flinders brings knowledge to national psychology conference
When the world watches a celebrity, sporting great or other “tall poppy” fall from grace, do we feel sorry for them or take pleasure in their demise?
When the world watches a celebrity, sporting great or other “tall poppy” fall from grace, do we feel sorry for them or take pleasure in their demise?
Emeritus Professor Faith Trent AM FACE, who retired as Executive Dean of the Faculty of Education, Humanities and Law at the end of 2010, is the inaugural recipient of the Outstanding Service Award made by the Australasian Council of the Deans of Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities (DASSH).
Twenty-one members of staff from Flinders are attending the 2011 annual conference of the Education Research Group of Adelaide (ERGA) in Adelaide this week.
A new robot developed by Flinders University engineers is poised to revolutionise the way we study the performance of normal and diseased joints and their artificial replacements by simulating joint motion.
More than 70 students from four Adelaide high schools flocked to Flinders University on Thursday, September 22, to showcase their science skills.
Flinders University has launched a groundbreaking initiative that provides high school students a rare opportunity to investigate real-world issues using cutting-edge technologies.
A national rural summit at Flinders University has generated draft recommendations across six fields of activity with the aim of enhancing the viability, sustainability and productivity of rural communities.
On the back of a groundbreaking scientific discovery, researchers from Flinders University are pushing ahead with a plan to create super-rice that could potentially combat nutrient deficiencies in third-world countries.
More than 80 participants, including representatives from rural regions in every State, will attend a three-day national summit on the future of rural Australia at Flinders University from September 21 to 23.