First space cyber forum
Regulating competing foreign interests in space complements the need for more controls over increasingly crowded cyberspace, say experts from Flinders University. As the Australian Government prepares […]
Regulating competing foreign interests in space complements the need for more controls over increasingly crowded cyberspace, say experts from Flinders University. As the Australian Government prepares […]
In an age when many parents won’t let their child post a letter because of “stranger danger”, it’s ironic that few pay attention while media organisations spend hours of one-on-one time with even their youngest offspring.
The burden of government compliance poses a threat to the long-term viability of Meals on Wheels services around the nation.
New forms of regulation that prevent a recurrence of the GFC but do not unnecessarily inhibit the market are required to deal with modern global capitalism, according to Professor Robert Holton, who is leading a three-day masterclass at Flinders University Victoria Square.