Green energy solutions from the sea

Green fields are opening around the world as researchers make inroads into improving efficiencies in more sustainable vehicles via a novel biofuel and power generation from […]

Better meals for farmed abalone

A mixed diet including native algae gives Australia’s prized cultured abalone the colours and appearance preferred by lucrative Asian markets, new research from the South Australian Research […]

Pressure on aquaculture to grow

New technologies in marine aquaculture are increasing globally, not just to meet the growing demand for seafood as wild fish populations continue to decline but also […]

Profitable by-products from shellfish waste

Australia’s lobster and shellfish industries could reap substantial financial benefits by using shell waste to create new products identified by Flinders University’s Centre for Marine Bioproduct […]

Seaweed project grows at Flinders

An algae propagation project at Flinders University has hit a significant milestone in breeding a marine organism from scratch in the lab to support the expansion […]

Seaweed research project gets going

Flinders University researchers are supporting the production of a methane-busting seaweed supplement for livestock. Perth company SeaStock Pty Ltd has become Western Australia’s first licensee granted […]

Smart solution to detect seafood spoilage

Existing methods for detecting seafood spoilage are far from satisfactory for ensuring food safety and security. To solve this problem, Flinders University researchers have constructed and […]

Boost to develop microalgae into health foods

A new discovery may provide the crucial link that helps accelerate development of microalgae into beneficial human health supplements. Dietary supplementation of fatty acids produced from […]

New taste to fish farming

A new diet for farmed barramundi could be on the menu under a new research collaboration between Flinders and the US Ohio Soybean Council.