Aged care nursing in the digital future

Digital technology can better assist nurses to manage end of life care in residential aged care facilities but ensuring its impact requires better tools, training, and […]

Caring for the home carers

Most people living with a terminal illness and approaching death need the assistance of a non-professional carer such as a family member, friend, or neighbour to […]

$34m centre to transform age care nationally

Flinders University will lead a once-in-a-generation aged care initiative bringing together the aged care industry, older people themselves and the nation’s best and brightest experts to […]

How to talk about death and dying

Our reluctance to think, talk or communicate about death is even more pronounced when we deal with others’ loss compared to our own, new research finds, […]

End-of-life experts ramp up response

As part of Australia’s national response to the pandemic, experts in palliative care are combining forces to provide the best possible end-of-life care to the community. […]

Bringing death, dying to the table

With Australia’s death rate set to double in the next 25 years, more than 50% of us die in acute-care settings, often alone and hidden from […]

Experts launch palliative care website

An online resource has been launched to support palliative care and advance care planning for older Australians. End of Life Directions for Aged Care (ELDAC) is […]