After falls, road traffic accidents, and other accidents including mechanical forces lead the injuries which lead to the most hospital admissions in Australia.

Crunchtime for road accident data

A new study into the police and hospital data recorded after major road accidents has given key insights into better management of traffic safety and public […]

Stings beat snake bite in injury league

More than 3,500 Australians were hospitalised due to contact with a venomous animal or plant in 2017–18, according to a new report from the Australian Institute […]

Elderly at risk of fall-related injuries

The rate of head injuries from falls by older Australians has nearly doubled over the past decade, according to a new report by the Australian Institute […]

Injury focus on disadvantage

Australians who live in disadvantaged areas are more likely to be admitted to hospital with injuries than those who live in more affluent areas, a new […]

Cyclist road toll pedals uphill

The number of Australians injured or killed in bicycle crashes is on the rise and older people are increasingly being admitted to hospital after cycling mishaps, […]

Stranger danger and male assault

A notable number of assaults of males are perpetrated by more than one unknown attacker, new data from Flinders University shows. The Australian Institute of Health […]