When ‘breast is best’ for mothers

Breastfeeding gives baby the ‘best start’ in life, according to the World Health Organization, and research also supports its usefulness in helping mothers to recover from pregnancy […]

Caesarean birth injury rates rise

Over 34% of women in Australia have a caesarean birth, and a significant proportion of these happen in late labour when the fetal head is deep […]

Detecting pregnancy risks earlier

Researchers from Flinders University and the Robinson Research Institute at the University of Adelaide have identified distinctive biological markers that could improve the routine blood tests […]

Medication hurdle for pregnant women

Pregnant Australian women are being denied access to medications which treat severe nausea and vomiting by pharmacists and medical practitioners because of misleading labels and a […]

Music and art therapy to ease new parent anxiety

The prevalence of perinatal anxiety is increasing in Australia, yet non-pharmacological treatment options are few in number and under researched. Flinders University researchers are exploring a […]

From Ebola to cat poo parasites – the eyes have it

The recent discovery that the Ebola virus can live on in a patient’s eyeballs long after they’re “cured” made the world blink in horror – but did you know cat faeces and raw meat can similarly lodge nasties in the eyes?