Beware of toxic TikTok #fitspo videos
As the Federal government considers banning social media for children, Flinders University researchers warn that TikTok ‘fitspiration’ videos reinforce harmful gendered body ideals and often propagate […]
As the Federal government considers banning social media for children, Flinders University researchers warn that TikTok ‘fitspiration’ videos reinforce harmful gendered body ideals and often propagate […]
Flinders University body image experts are urging all Instagram users to apply a more conscious ‘filter’ to monitor their health and fitness posts. The researchers say […]
Images of fit, toned bodies on social media claim to provide fitness inspiration, but millions of photos tagged #fitspo could be having the opposite effect. A […]
Fitspiration is a rising global movement within social media that encourages weight loss, healthy eating and exercise through inspirational fitness images and slogans.