Eating disorder burden weighs on parents
With eating disorders on the rise among young people, a Flinders University expert is calling for an urgent increase in support for parents as new research […]
With eating disorders on the rise among young people, a Flinders University expert is calling for an urgent increase in support for parents as new research […]
The more time that teenage girls spend on Instagram, the greater their likelihood of having eating disorder thoughts and behaviours. Flinders University researchers have found that […]
New research indicates that social media is leading young adolescent girls and boys down a worrying path towards developing body image issues and eating disorder behaviours […]
A powerful education tool to help prevent eating disorders in children and young adolescents is being expanded for young adults in the high-risk years between 18 and 25.
Researchers from Flinders University are working on a novel strategy to simultaneously reduce the risk of both eating disorders and obesity among young people.
Two projects which tackle the leading causes of blindness and vision loss are among 13 projects sharing a total of $6,215,636 of NHMRC funding.