Good sounds for saving soil

Music and noise can evoke many responses in humans. Now Flinders University scientists are using soundwaves in soil to aid ecosystem recovery.    In their latest study, […]

Forests at risk. Photo: iStock

Planting trees the ‘right way’

Large-scale global efforts to replace trees for carbon capture and urban greening may be doing more harm than good if they neglect to restore viable ecosystems, […]

New directions in planning

Machine learning models for more sustainable and affordable housing in regional areas, assessing bushfire risk as well as consideration for disability, biodiversity and also a place […]

Acoustic juice for soil recovery

Humans are energised by dance music and now new Flinders University research has recorded rapid acceleration in soil fungi growth when sounds are played in a […]

Air quality under the microscope

With air pollution and airborne contaminants emerging as leading causes of illness and death, ecologists are calling for closer examination of the ‘invisible friends’ which live […]

Digging up soil sounds and secrets

UK and Australian ecologists have used audio technology to record different types of sounds in the soils of a degraded and restored forest to indicate the […]

Green is good for city workers

A new study of 68 city centres in Great Britain – comparing ‘greenness’ of tree cover, vegetation and the presence of parks – has linked lower […]