Regular snoring could be bad for your heart
That loud snoring keeping you up at night could be more than a noisy annoyance – it could be an early warning sign of dangerous hypertension. […]
That loud snoring keeping you up at night could be more than a noisy annoyance – it could be an early warning sign of dangerous hypertension. […]
It’s official. Getting the recommended 7-9 hours of sleep a night is currently out of reach for almost one-third of the population as Flinders University experts […]
Flinders University has been awarded more than $9 million for boundary-pushing projects investigating better treatments for mental health and wellbeing, vision loss and sleep disorders. The […]
Short exposure to wind farm and road traffic noise triggers a small increase in people waking from their slumber that can fragment their sleep patterns, according […]
Poorly managed sleep apnoea can lead to uncontrolled blood pressure – a little known underlying risk for millions of people’s cardiovascular health, a new study in […]
Business owners, executives and shift workers might think slight changes in their regular sleep patterns and duration make no difference to their overall night’s rest and […]
A new approach to measure the common sleep related breathing disorder, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), estimates that 20% of adults or approximately 1 billion people globally […]