Launch of South Australia’s new literary journal
Flinders University’s College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences is proud to support the launch of South Australia’s new literary journal, Splinter. Led by South Australian […]
Flinders University’s College of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences is proud to support the launch of South Australia’s new literary journal, Splinter. Led by South Australian […]
The introduction of best-selling Australian author Kate Forsyth as Flinders University’s inaugural Writer in Residence during October will provide its creative writing students with an intimate […]
If you find yourself in isolation because of COVID-19, it could be the ideal time to write the novel you’ve always dreamed of creating – according […]
The pathway to publication for Australian authors is far from straightforward, as Flinders University senior lecturer in creative writing Dr Amy Matthews knows all too well. […]
The first of an outstanding private collection of contemporary jewellery has gone on show at the Art Gallery of South Australia. The collection, built privately over […]
The University of Love swoons into Adelaide this week to give ‘happily ever after’ insights into the $1 billion global market for romance novels.
Helping adolescents and young adults through relevant literature and non-fiction reading is the aim of 2016 Australian Cultural John Monash Scholar, Samuel Williams.
Two Flinders graduates will usher an infant play into existence at the National Play Festival, which begins in Adelaide today.
“Obsessed” with romance novels and reality TV, Flinders University student Sarah Gates is playing the part of matchmaker by fusing the two genres to write her own love story.