Batteries of the future charge ahead

With global demand for lithium-ion batteries fast depleting reserves of raw materials, experts are seeking safe, affordable and reliable alternatives for rechargeable batteries. Aqueous zinc-ion batteries […]

ARC funding for Coffin Bay research

Coffin Bay – the popular tourist destination on South Australia’s Eyre Peninsula – is known for its scenery, natural features and high-quality oysters and other marine […]

End-of-year funding success

To cap off a solid year for Flinders University research, ten Flinders projects have been awarded Australian Research Council (ARC) Discovery Project funding in one of […]

ARC grants support bold research projects

Addressing the housing needs of adults with intellectual disability, exploring Aboriginal rock art in the upper Murray region and improving home environments for young people in […]

Flying lessons from small subjects

How flying insects are able to respond rapidly and appropriately in a fast-changing surroundings is a serious ambition of new Australian Research Council study. Led by Flinders […]

Engaging with the church to fight DV

New research in Australia aims to gain insights into how religious beliefs and practices can unintentionally contribute to domestic violence. A new Australian Research Council Linkage […]

Leading the way on new discoveries

Major new research at Flinders University will help start new industries, including new products and clean technologies to remove toxic waste, and delve into Australian history […]