Asian bee alert
Bee pollinators are a crucial link to food production and food security for more than half the world’s population living in Asia – but few species […]
Bee pollinators are a crucial link to food production and food security for more than half the world’s population living in Asia – but few species […]
Roles for cancer patient programs, including navigators and associated digital tools should be funded in the health system, with new global research at Flinders University demonstrating that such programs […]
The launch of Flinders’ Jembatan initiative marks the culmination of 50 years of building links in education, language, culture and research with Indonesia.
Women with disabilities are among Indonesia’s most vulnerable and discriminated citizens, and Flinders University Honours student James Baker is determined to help them.
PhD candidate Pamela Graham has just received one of Flinders University’s Best Student Research Paper Awards for her cultural analysis of the 2008 anthology Growing Up Asian in Australia.
Vice-Chancellor Professor Michael Barber will tell an international audience today that Australia and Canada must invest in skills, encourage innovation and strengthen collaboration.