Tackling concerns about unconventional gas
Unconventional gas production, such as coal seam gas and shale gas, raises concerns including possible groundwater contamination. However just because something is possible does not mean […]
Unconventional gas production, such as coal seam gas and shale gas, raises concerns including possible groundwater contamination. However just because something is possible does not mean […]
Healthy aquifers and groundwater supplies – just as important as Murray River-supplemented reservoirs – are a strategic source of Adelaide’s and South Australia’s long-term sustainability, with […]
Leading Australian hydrogeologists say the proposed $500 million pipeline from the Murray River to Broken Hill will deliver much more expensive water than closer, plentiful high-quality […]
Freshwater resources beneath the ocean that may play a major role in the future water supply will be part of the focus of a Future Fellowship awarded to Professor Adrian Werner.
A group of South Australia’s leading groundwater scientists, including researchers from Flinders University, is embarking on a $3 million, two-year project to map the aquifers beneath Adelaide.
Scientists have discovered huge reserves of freshwater beneath the oceans kilometres out to sea, providing new opportunities to stave off a looming global water crisis.
A novel technique to prevent seawater intrusion into coastal freshwater stores has earned Chunhui Lu a Vice-Chancellor’s Award for Early Career Researchers.
Flinders University researchers have developed a method for predicting how much seawater will intrude into underground water storage systems.
In South Australia’s arid landscape, rivers, creeks and streams are vital sources of groundwater.